Arminas Kaikaris


City / Town: Kaunas
Major / Minor: International Business Management

What is an example of a typical weekend?
Helping my parents at home and being with friends.

2) What are your plans after graduation from the university?
Get a solid job and create a family.

3) Where have you traveled? Where do you want to travel?
Mainly I have traveled at Europe: Spain, Germany, Poland, Denmark. And once I have been in Ukraine. I would like to see US.

4) Have you ever rode on a bullet train?
No, I haven‘t.

5) What's you favorite food?
As like as mostly Lithuanians my favorite food is cepelinai.

6) What's your favorite thing about the university?
It‘s when we can go home :D Modern learning materials, enthusiasting masters and we get valuable knowledges.

7) What is your favorite season? Why?
Summer, because at that time you can go to the lake, drink beer and swim all the day.

8) Who would you like to meet most?
Miss World 2010 :D

9) What type of music do you listen to?
Mostly pop music and russian music. And Eminem ofcourse :D

10) Do you prefer winter snow or summer sunshine or both?
I prefer summer. I really don‘t like winter, because then is very cold. Winter is just for Christmas and New Year :D